eBay: Shopping Deals - Buy, Sell & Save Money - Mobile All Apps

eBay: Shopping Deals - Buy, Sell & Save Money

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Buy, sell & save money with eBay. Discover discount deals on home, beauty, electronics, used cars & more directly from your mobile phone!

Shopping on eBay is easier than ever. Explore discount deals on clothes & shoes, home & garden, beauty, and so much more!

Top 5 reasons to download:
Save money with deals at your fingertips
Phones, beauty, DIY: Buy and sell offers on the eBay marketplace
Discover top-selling electronics, tech & phones
Auction on the go: Sell items or bid on deals with ease
Computer deals: Search for discount offers with eBay

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Offers on clothes, shoes and accessories for any occasion

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Save money on auto tools & supplies

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Your feedback & suggestions are important to us! Contact us on Twitter @askebay or www.ebay.com/android

eBay: Shopping Deals - Buy, Sell & Save Money = Download Apps

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